A lot is happening in the world these days, and – of course – the main focus is on the coronavirus and how it has been disrupting pretty much everything, pretty much everywhere. If we stop for a moment and think about it, isn’t it REALLY astonishing that something so small and so invisible can […]
Something has been bothering me for a long time, every time I would see or hear it. It would come and go away. At times, I would talk about it and mention my thoughts, usually within a context of a program I will be facilitating. Primarily during the Right Livelihood Quest, when we explore the […]
With a diverse and mysterious history, the image of the Enneagram (ennea-nine, gram-image) dates back at least 3500 years and represents within it an entire universe of dynamic rhythms, patterns, and laws that can be applied to virtually any aspect of reality. The Enneagram (of Personality, as it is sometimes called too) is a complex […]
I have been working on this Reflection for a few weeks. Then for a couple of months. Somehow, a few more months went by. It appears that the Universe was insistent on providing me with LOTS of material to work with while exploring this theme, and I actually have no idea whether I will ever […]
to any place worth going. And definitely not when one is embarking on a long and arduous journey of awakening. We do live in complicated, distracting, disordered times, when everything around us seems to exponentially escalate in pace and in complexity. Together with them, or perhaps because so many are looking for something deeper, richer, […]
What does it take to birth a new program/project/venture/initiative? I have been thinking about it today, talking both to my beloved and to a potential program participant (though not at the same time) about a new “baby” I have been birthing that seems to be going through a rapid growth process. A story about Picasso […]
“When it comes to recognizing the truth of our own identities, most of us experience a symbolic version of blindness that keeps us from seeing ourselves for who we really are.” – Christopher Heuertz This quote just crossed my awareness, as I am reading “The Sacred Enneagram” book. Several recent themes in my life are […]
This is a topic I gave a presentation on, this July, and it is an evolving area for me, both personally and professionally (keep reading). Here, I am reviewing and fine-tuning my thoughts on this whole fascinating, rich, juicy, and confusing area of “awakening.” What is it? Where can I get/buy/learn one? Why do I […]
(This post is written by Alison Lee, my beloved and traveling companion through life.) The crows arrived. It was August 1st of last year. They congregated in our yard, one standing on the BBQ, others grouped together on the patio table. They were on the fence and sidewalk curb around our house. Their incessant cawing, […]