The phrase “Know Thyself” is often attributed to Socrates, but its origins trace back even further to ancient Greece, specifically the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Inscribed on the forecourt of the temple, the phrase served as a moral and philosophical directive for the visitors who sought guidance from the oracle. The Delphic maxim, “Know […]
Somehow, I lucked out. My main Enneagram teacher, Russ Hudson, has been leading small groups yearly on a 3-week pilgrimage journeys to Egypt for the past 16 years. There is a lot of ancient wisdom in that part of the world, and Gurdjieff spent time there, absorbing that wisdom and birthing what will eventually become […]
There is a flow to wake-up calls. A pattern that has a way of repeating itself, that – overtime – has become a familiar way of delivering its wisdom exactly at the timing I apparently needed. These wake-up calls don’t ask me whether I am ready, nor do they check my calendar to make sure […]
It has been a very long time since the last reflection. Over a year, I believe. I am sending this one on September 21, because it is a day of profound significance for me. Today, a year ago, on September 21, 2021, a conversation happened that drastically and utterly changed the trajectory of my life. […]
“Your homework is to have more fun. Play more.” This was given to me through an exploration of what I perceived as a certain imbalance in my life recently, spending a couple of days in a fairly solid and consistent state of “blah.” Life was kinda OK, kinda full, with plenty of work and growth […]
I was recently challenged by my coach to look into the theme of my needs and wants, within the context of my primary relationship. Simple, right?! How difficult it can be to know what one needs and wants? Well… let me count the ways… A bit of background first, which – as it often is […]
Let’s dive right in, shall we?! Without stories, disclaimers, or ways of easing into a deeper conversation. Off the deep end, if you will. Who are you? If you were to ask people, “Who are you?” the number and variety of possible answers would quite likely be staggering, though some common themes might emerge as […]
There has been a lot happening as of recent, both for me personally and, obviously, in the world. As I have been witnessing it all, one common theme for a reflection has not yet revealed itself (or, perhaps, too many are percolating in my mind and heart). So I am taking a quilt approach, of […]
When does something actually start? What is that moment we call a “beginning?” Is there even such a thing, a clear and tangible start of something? I have been thinking about the beginning of the Right Livelihood Quest and whether there is one. I can certainly look at the first two retreats, in the Summer […]
A lot is happening in the world these days, and – of course – the main focus is on the coronavirus and how it has been disrupting pretty much everything, pretty much everywhere. If we stop for a moment and think about it, isn’t it REALLY astonishing that something so small and so invisible can […]