Are You Ready?
Embarking on such a quest requires willingness, courage, and the knowing that you simply cannot not start. That inner knowing, that quiet voice that keeps whispering, calling you to dive deeper, to explore, to venture on the journey into the unknown. The knowing that won’t stop.
When you finally say yes, you are ready.
This journey, this Quest, might not be the easiest. Nor will it be linear. There are no formulas, nor recipes, to Right Livelihood. There are no shortcuts to any place truly worth going.
There will be a deep and rich inquiry, blended with experiences on your own and in a small and intimate company of fellow travellers on the quest. Applied Eco-Psychology, which is a connection to the natural world, will play an instrumental part along the way. There will be invitations to let go of all you think you might know, about yourself and about life, and peel these layers to the inner core of your soul. There will be a particular inquiry through the proprietary Why Me?™ Framework, which has been applied successfully with countless others, students and clients of mine, for almost two decades. There will be ceremonies, blending ancient indigenous wisdom with the modern theories of experiential and adult learning, peppered with somatic activities that tap into the wisdom of our bodies. There will also be fun and celebration activities, acknowledging this individual and collective journey, honouring the courage and commitment you bring to your life, the lives around you, and the world at large. There will be a phase of integration, exploring ways to assimilate the experiences and the insights, in a community of others who have gone through the Quest with you and before you.
And by the end of this journey, you will be transformed.