I have been working on this Reflection for a few weeks. Then for a couple of months. Somehow, a few more months went by. It appears that the Universe was insistent on providing me with LOTS of material to work with while exploring this theme, and I actually have no idea whether I will ever […]
(This post is written by Alison Lee, my beloved and traveling companion through life.) The crows arrived. It was August 1st of last year. They congregated in our yard, one standing on the BBQ, others grouped together on the patio table. They were on the fence and sidewalk curb around our house. Their incessant cawing, […]
Many elements and learning moments played their role in this reflection, as it all kept unfolding over time. My many years of inner work, through personal development seminars, coaching, counselling, shadow work, and deep inner work with the men of the Mankind Project. My years of working through healing the wounds of my family dynamics, […]
I might have just coined a new expression. At least, it is new to me. While I have been living with the actual experience since August of 2017, the words to articulate it are emerging only now. This is when Tobi transitioned, and this is what I am reflecting on now. The expression is Loving […]
This is the one reflection I never wanted to write. How does one review 14 years of a life with such an incredible being? And yet… I have wanted a dog for a long time, and made sure all my friends knew it. On a fairly regular basis. I also had plenty of reasons (or […]
A person close to you has a birthday coming up. Usually, it will mean “all the usual,” from flowers to a dinner to a massage to a gift to, perhaps a weekend getaway, to… many options and ideas. Some love their birthdays and are looking forward to “something special.” Others can’t be bothered. And anything […]
I love cycling. The passion for it started many years ago, when I lived in Ottawa and a friend gave me a mountain bike. After spending some years with it, I realized that, while cycling is becoming a passion, it is not for mountain biking. It is road, cycling touring and “going places.” Since then, […]
Canadian Thanksgiving was yesterday, with a grey and rainy day in Vancouver. The trees started decorating themselves with multitude of colours, and leaves are beginning their descent, forming carpets in a variety of patterns on the ground. Fall. The season of harvesting, of gathering the fruit of our labour, and of being grateful for what […]
We just had a big dinner and birthday party, for my beloved’s oldest daughter and myself. Our birthdays happen to be on the same day, with a slight age gap of 30 years. Lots of food and beverages, friends from various walks and circles of life, and several dogs. By the time evening turned into […]
A beautiful house on a beach of a lake, somewhere in the wine country of Interior BC. 9 men have gathered here for a weekend of being together. While we are all members of the Mankind Project, this is not an official gathering. It was more of a spontaneous initiative, an invitation, with no tangible plan […]