Is the Universe Friendly?

I have been working on this Reflection for a few weeks. Then for a couple of months. Somehow, a few more months went by. It appears that the Universe was insistent on providing me with LOTS of material to work with while exploring this theme, and I actually have no idea whether I will ever […]

Awakened Living Program Announcement

What does it take to birth a new program/project/venture/initiative? I have been thinking about it today, talking both to my beloved and to a potential program participant (though not at the same time) about a new “baby” I have been birthing that seems to be going through a rapid growth process. A story about Picasso […]

Facing Ourselves

“Don’t give them too much to do on the weekend,” said the head counselor to the woman who is running a very unique healing centre, talking about the clients of the place. I remember going to a vipassana meditation retreat, many years ago. The instructions were very clear, to not bring any electronics of any […]

A Special Dinner Gathering

My students are completing a two year course in Leadership and Personal Development and are about to graduate from Pinchot University. This is an MBA program that is combined of monthly face-to-face weekends and online learning in-between. Their online assignment for this week is to have a dialogue on the following theme: You are having […]

House of Mirrors

One of the concepts I have recently started bringing into my teaching and into my life comes from the Conscious Leadership Group and wonderful their book, “15 Commitments of Conscious Leaders.” This particular one is about being above or below the line and while it really appears to be quite simple to grasp, it is […]

What’s in a Year?

We just had a big dinner and birthday party, for my beloved’s oldest daughter and myself. Our birthdays happen to be on the same day, with a slight age gap of 30 years. Lots of food and beverages, friends from various walks and circles of life, and several dogs. By the time evening turned into […]