Welcoming Discomfort

There is a deep dark hole, marking a beginning of a possible tunnel with no end in sight. Perhaps of the “deep into the rabbit hole” kind. Maybe it is like a black hole, luring and calling and inviting the one who peeks in, to come closer and dive in. It evokes a mix of […]

Just One Question

A room. In it, two long rows of pairs of participants, sitting facing each other. Most of the people are on chairs, yet there are also a few sitting on cushions on the floor. The facilitator and a few assistants are quietly walking around, or pausing near one of the pairs. There is murmur in […]

Who is Driving My Bus?

I love what I do for “work” even though I actually don’t use this word much. Over the (many) years of aligning my profession to my vocation, I switched away from looking at work and passion, or career and vocation, as two separate things. Sure, there are the occasional tasks and moments that are not […]

Letter to Self

There is a chapter called “Giving an A” in the timeless gem of a book, The Art of Possibility. The concept of the chapter is to write yourself a letter, from a point in the future, giving yourself an ‘A’ on what you will have accomplished between now and that future point in time. The […]

Stepping into Elderhood

I just finished celebrating a birthday, which included a series of surprising and diverse events. It started with a flood of messages on Facebook and a happy birthday song in a lobby of a hotel in Chongqing, China, with a beautiful view to Yangtze River. The various celebrations culminated with a surprising, beautiful, and touching […]

What’s Important

Dear friends who have been together for many years, have recently parted ways. Even though there is a house, children, and a history of common experiences, it is not a guarantee to anything, when looking into the future. Lives that have been aligned, intertwined, and deeply connected, somehow, slowly, over time, unraveled and started heading […]