Peter Mortifee – Partner, Physician, Social Financier, Father, Photographer, Man
Peter is a founding member of the Somerset Foundation and has been its Chair since its inception in 2001. Through Somerset, he is active with social organizations where his input and interest relates primarily to organizational governance, structure, strategic policy development and financial sustainability issues. He is a member of the global Ashoka Support Network and is active in the Mankind Project. He is a keen photographer, loves old trucks and seeks to lead a physically active and balanced lifestyle.In the late 1980’s, Peter pursued basic securities training through the Canadian Securities Institute. Since then, he has been actively involved in private businesses, financial ventures and more recently social enterprises.He spent twenty five years training, practicing and teaching as a medical doctor. Following a medical degree at the University of British Columbia and a multi-year Internship in New Zealand, he became a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. In 2008, he relinquished his Clinical Assistant Professorship with the Department of Medicine at U.B.C. and retired completely from his medical practice.

With his wife Nancy, he has offered a practice in Mindfulness & Intimacy through their co-creation – Mortifee Training. They live in Vancouver and Naramata B.C. and between them they have four wonderful daughters.

Recording [30 min | Posted on May 5, 2012 | download here]:[audio:]
To find out more about Peter’s work, visit