For the Right Reasons
As part of the work with the Right Livelihood Quest, I regularly interview people who have gone through such journey themselves, and share their stories here. It is an opportunity to witness and share the experience of others and our common humanity, with the struggles, challenges, passions, and inspiration that all too often seem to be […]
On a Right Livelihood Quest
Today’s Reflection is about quotes and passages, while exploring this : fascinating, and often elusive, theme of Right Livelihood. It is not “just a quest.” Rather, The Quest perhaps, on the journey of this subtle and elusive theme of Right Livelihood, Vocation, Life Purpose. At times, inspiring and fulfilling, though, more often than not, annoying, […]
Today’s Reflection is about dreams and visions. This was a good start of the day. As Tobi and I wandered around the neighbourhood for a morning stroll, I saw a slogan on a pick-up truck that said, “Between the world and the sky.” Roofing company. Cool and creative. Then, at home, I stumbled upon a […]
Today’s Reflection is about a poem that feels very relevant to my life right now. Perhaps to yours too, even though the reasons might not be the same. In that firsthardly noticedmomentto which you wake,coming backto this lifefrom the othermore secret,moveableand frighteninglyhonestworldwhere everythingbegan,there is a smallopeninginto the new daywhich closesthe momentyou beginyour plans. What you […]